
I am trying to get from db only a few columns sum. I dont wonna download whole record (entity) but only few columns from whole table. And I dont wanna many records of them. I just one to have a sum. I have something like that:

TypedQuery sumsOfSharedMeters = (TypedQuery) JPA
        "SELECT "
        + " SUM(wszysUruchProc), SUM(wszysProcToku), SUM(wszysWykoProc), SUM(wszysPrzeterProc), "
        + " SUM(wszysPowtPrzeterProc), SUM(zgloszNiezgodDoRejNiezgod), SUM(niezgodWykryteAudWew), SUM(l4), SUM(nz) "
        + " FROM ZycieBiuro_WorkerMonthReport E WHERE year=:year "
        + " AND intmonth=:month ")
            .setParameter("year", year)
            .setParameter("month", month);
Object results = sumsOfSharedMeters.getSingleResult();

But I am getting an object wich is an: Ljava.lang.Object;@621aba

but no usefull data. Please help

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