
I tried the following steps to setup Funnel (

$ git clone
$ cd funnel/
$ cp instance/ instance/
$ echo "CACHE_TYPE='simple'" >> instance/

I then installed the following:

  • Flask 0.10.1
  • Flask-Assets 0.7
  • Flask-Mail 0.6.1
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy 1.0
  • Flask-WTF 0.8
  • pytz 2012d
  • unicodecsv 0.9.4
  • icalendar 3.4
  • wtforms-html5 0.1.3
  • alembic 0.6.3
  • Flask-Migrate 1.2.0
  • flask-alembic 0.1

And the latest packages from:

Then I ran:

$ python db create

I got the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    from funnel import app, models, init_for
  File "/home/safiyat/Desktop/PyDev/funnel/funnel-master/funnel/", line 35, in <module>
    from . import models, forms, views
  File "/home/safiyat/Desktop/PyDev/funnel/funnel-master/funnel/forms/", line 3, in <module>
    from .comment import *
  File "/home/safiyat/Desktop/PyDev/funnel/funnel-master/funnel/forms/", line 6, in <module>
    import wtforms.fields.html5
ImportError: No module named html5

I read somewhere that html5 widgets and fields are built-in of wtforms since 1.0.5, and that they should be imported from wtforms itself. Though my installed wtforms is 1.0.2, I still get that error. Why? Any solutions?

Was it helpful?


Solved the problem.

I had to upgrade my wtforms to 1.0.5 using the command pip install upgrade wtforms. Then downgraded my Flask-Script from 0.6.2 to 0.5.3 using pip install Flask-Script==0.5.3. That worked.

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