
I Try to generate a Keystore locally, so i can use SSL-Certificate at localhost.

I am using this Tutorial:

So it says if i do

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

in the Java Home /bin

it will create a .keystore File in my user home directory. I can create a file with the tool, it seems. I get asked all the questions, and if i try to redo with the same alias, it tells me it already exists. However, there are no .keystore files in my users home directory. I can not find them in the search, either. (Using Mac OS).

Can someone help me with that?

Kind regards

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The filename starts with a '.' so it is a hidden file. Are you sure it isn't there?

You can list all files (including hidden ones) in Mac OS terminal with a command 'ls -a'.


Try as below :

Add a new keystore named “myKeys”

    keytool -genkey -keystore myKeys -alias jdc

It will ask for keystore password, first name, last name , organization’s unit…etc..just fill them all.

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