
I am a .NET guy. Very much new to the Go language.

In .NET we have extension methods. Is there anything equivalent in Go?

In .NET I will do like bsonTrans["trans.ticket"]

in that bsonTrans => bson document

    "trans.ticket" => key in json

     trans is outer level and

     ticket is inner level

I am using native mongodb driver. In that I add my extension functions to perform these operations.

Like wise up to the nth level I did it .NET.

I would like to apply the same logic in Go.


 b := []byte(trans)
var config map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &config)

fmt.Println(config["data"].(map[string] interface{})["issued"])

For instance in that example, can i do something like:

config["data.issued"] which should give the value in return ?

Please help me in figuring this out...

Actual json :-

(The actual json is too big, however I am providing a sample of it with less fields.)

 "_id" : 2001,
    "address" : {
        "line1" : "",
        "line2" : "",
        "line3" : ""
    "tickets" : [ 
            "seq" : 2,
            "add" : [
              "seq" : "",
              "amnt" : 50

              "seq" : "",
              "amnt" : 50
              "seq" : "",
              "amnt" : 50


Reason for not using struct is my json has too many nested structures and I have more than 10 schemas with different structures.

So I left out structs.

I admit that I am not sure that omitting structs is the best way.

Was it helpful?


Extension methods are not supported the way it is in .NET.

The closest thing you can do is create a type from string and create a method on that type:

type MyString string
func (m *MyString) Method() {

func main() {
    var s MyString = ""


Update 2017:

Go does support extension methods for receiver types.

Based on type assertions in Go 1.9, you can simply add = where you define the type, then add methods to it.

type NewStruct = OldStrut
func (m *NewStruct) ExtensionMethod() {

To call it:

func main() {
    s := OldStruct{}

Here is a sample of code that uses your json. Your json sample wasn't valid, so I corrected it to what I think your intent was.

I think you will find using a map[string]interface{} with a deeply nested struct will not work out, but I don't know your use case, so I can't say for sure.

Here is an interactive link that runs the code as well:

package main

import "fmt"
import "encoding/json"

func main() {
  b := []byte(`{
  "tickets": [
      "add": [
          "amnt": 50,
          "seq": ""
          "amnt": 50,
          "seq": ""
          "amnt": 50,
          "seq": ""
      "seq": 2
  "address": {
    "line3": "",
    "line2": "",
    "line1": ""
  "_id": 2001
  var config map[string]interface{}
  if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &config); err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %s", err)

  // I'm not sure what part of the data you are trying to get at here...

  fmt.Printf("%v\n\n", config)

  tickets := config["tickets"]
  fmt.Printf("%v\n\n", tickets)

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