
I'm working on a kid's game that involves a countdown timer. If a user matches all elements before the timer runs out, a "You Won!" popup appears. If they do not match all elements before the timer hits zero, a "Sorry, You Lost" popup appears.

The issue I'm having is that the clock doesn't stop counting down after a user wins the game and the "You Won!" popup appears, so the "Sorry, You Lost" popup still appears once the timer reaches zero.

Here is my code:

$("#startClock").click( function(){
   var timer;
   var counter = 4;
   var winner = 0;
   var done = true;

    revert: "invalid", containment: "#wrapper",
    start: function(event, ui){
        if(!done) return false;
    stop: function(event, ui){
        if($(".correct").length == $(".drop").length){
                $("<div title='You did it!'>You won!</div>").dialog();
            var winner = 1;

      timer = setInterval(function() {
         if (counter >= 0) {
           span = document.getElementById("count");
           span.innerHTML = counter;
         if (counter === 0 && winner === 0) {
           $("<div title='Game Over'>Sorry, game over!</div>").dialog();
       }, 1000);

View my demo game here. (Click "Start the Clock" in the top right corner.) Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


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You need to call clearInterval() on the reference of setTimeout.

var timer;
    $("#startClock").click( function(){
       var counter = 60;
          timer = setInterval(function() {
          if (counter >= 0) {
             span = document.getElementById("count");
             span.innerHTML = counter;
          if (counter === 0) {
             $("Sorry, you lost!").dialog();
         }, 1000);

Also add a call to clearInterval(timer) when the user wins the game, but first check if timer is defined.


I don't see the code for when the player wins, but you would need to explicitly stop the counter when the payer wins. An else if would work for that.

The easiest way to accomplish this is probably just to add a && to your second condition to check if the player has won the game. EDIT - also add an else to clear timer if player has won.

if (counter === 0 && /*check if player has not won*/) {
  $("Sorry, you lost!").dialog();
else if (/*if player has won*/) {

This way the 'sorry you lost' message will only appear if the timer runs out and they haven't yet won. If you're not already doing so, you could create a variable that changes if the player wins and check the value of that variable in the second half of the above condition.

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