
I am using Qt and want to include the ttmath library. It tested fine on Windows XP and Windows 7. I use Qt-creator on Ubuntu now and when I try to compile the project it gives me following error:

.../ttmathuint_x86.h:637: error: inconsistent operand constraints in an 'asm'
 : "cc", "memory" );

Part of the code looks like this:

#ifdef __GNUC__
uint dummy, dummy2;

__asm__  __volatile__(

        "xorl %%edx, %%edx    \n"
        "negl %%eax           \n"  // CF=1 if rax!=0 , CF=0 if rax==0

    "1:                                 \n"
        "movl (%%esi,%%edx,4), %%eax    \n"
        "sbbl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4)    \n"

        "incl %%edx                     \n"
        "decl %%ecx                     \n"
        "jnz 1b                         \n"

        "adc %%ecx, %%ecx               \n"

    : "=c" (c), "=a" (dummy), "=d" (dummy2)
    : "0" (b),  "1" (c), "b" (p1), "S" (p2)
    : "cc", "memory" );


The error only shows when I add parser to my project like one from the last example, here:

I have no idea why that doesn't work since I know little about assembly or compilation process.

I read on the internet that the resolution is to add QMAKE_CXXFALGS = -fno-gcse in my ".pro" file but it didn't work.

No correct solution


The reason for this error is the -fPIC or -fpic compiler flag which indicates that position independent code should be emitted. To locate variables it uses a global offset table whose pointer is stored in ebx. Therefore with this flag you are not allowed to use ebx in inline assembly.

According to this is changed in GCC 5.0. The library probably changes your flags so you have to see if you can change your code.

In my case I could solve it updating my gcc to version 5.0

This is the source link and these are the commands they suggest (and the ones I used):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gcc-5 g++-5

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5

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