
Is it possible to re-use a variable in Fitnesse in referencing another variable:

for example

!define var1 {booking} !define bookingPeriod {June}

Is there a way to get the value of 'June' for booking period by concatenating var1 and 'period'

I tried the following but it didn't work


Any help appreciated.

No correct solution


There are actually two points you need to be aware of.

First, when composing variables you need to use different delimiters. FitNesse allows three different sets -- (), {}, [] -- just for that purpose.

Second, it is easier to compose in the definition itself, to wit:

!define FileName (${BaseName}.xls)
!define var1 {booking}
!define bookingPeriod $(${var1}June)

And then you can use ${bookingPeriod} in your code. I recently wrote a series of articles on practical FitNesse tips, published on Part 5 specifically discusses composing variables in this manner.

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