
I had the code below that provide search, 4 field, the lambda will increase huge lot for each field included in, and it is time consuming and not efficient to have such a combination search, any better way to write a proper search?

var result = db.ValuePairs
(isStatus && isText && isCode && isGroupCd)
c.Status == status && c.Text == text && c.Code == code && c.GroupCode == groupCd
(isStatus && isText && isCode)
c.Status == status && c.Text == text && c.Code == code
(isStatus && isText && isGroupCd)
c.Status == status && c.Text == text && c.GroupCode == groupCd
(isStatus && isCode && isGroupCd)
c.Status == status && c.Code == code && c.GroupCode == groupCd
(isText && isCode && isGroupCd)
c.Text == text && c.Code == code && c.GroupCode == groupCd
(isStatus && isText)
c.Status == status && c.Text == text
(isStatus && isCode)
c.Status == status && c.Code == code
(isStatus && isGroupCd)
c.Status == status && c.GroupCode == groupCd
(isText && isCode)
c.Text == text && c.Code == code
(isText && isGroupCd)
c.Text == text && c.GroupCode == groupCd
(isCode && isGroupCd)
c.Code == code && c.GroupCode == groupCd
c.Status == status
c.Text == text
c.Code == code
c.GroupCode == groupCd
groupCd != ""
Was it helpful?


Pretty simple boolean logic there...

.Where(c =>
      (!isStatus || c.Status == status)
     && (!isCode || c.Code == code)
     && (!isGroupCd || c.GroupCode == groupCd)
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