
My matlab does not accept my latex . For example if I use legend('b^{+6}\rightarrow b^{+7}'), it does not show me the arrow, How I can solve the problem?

No correct solution


Try with Latex interpreter, something like

legend({'$b^{+6}\rightarrow b^{+7}$'}, 'interpreter', 'latex')

Tested under R2012a:

enter image description here

In my case I had to set the latex interpreter after the legend command:

l = legend({'$b^{+6}\rightarrow b^{+7}$'})
set(l, 'Interpreter', 'Latex');

This worked in Matlab R2016b

For xlabel and ylabel, simply use something like:

xlabel( ' $\Delta t$ [ sec ] ','Interpreter','latex')

For some reason, Matlab has more difficulty with legends; you have to set the interpreter after the legend has been created:

legend_handle = legend('$b^{+6}\rightarrow b^{+7}$');

if the comand... l = legend({'$b^{+6}\rightarrow b^{+7}$'}) set(l, 'Interpreter', 'Latex'); dosn't work. Try to put "hold on" after the "set" instruction".

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