
I need a command to replace the hosts file on my machine. Seems pretty straight forward but I cannot get the command to work with xcopy. Any obvious flaws in the command?

luaexec -w -f "XCOPY" "%ScriptPath%/ModifiedHosts/vista/hosts" "%windir%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts" /H

The /R flag does not seem to help and the error I get is "Error: ShellExecuteEx failed 0x2" if I remove all quotes but the beginning and end quotes

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Try this:

luaexec -w -f "XCOPY %ScriptPath%/ModifiedHosts/vista/hosts %windir%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts" /H

Also, you can try robocopy.


is the hosts file write protected? it probably is.. add a /R to your commandline

On Vista, you need to run as Administrator to change the hosts file.


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