
I really want to try ember-data with ember.js. Looking at the ember-data project here, I a not very sure all the .js files that I need to pick. I believe main.js is ember.js itself. Not sure of the rest?

If you know any samples that use ember-data please point me there as well.

Edit 1: I am looking to pull the edge version.


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If you want to use the edge version, you have to pull down the whole git repo, cd into it, and run the rake task to compile them. if you do a rake -t it will give you the exact task name.


if you just want a single js file, you can simple click on downloads on the right side. there you'll find two alredy joined files. The normal, commented an a minified version.

You should use a built version of Ember Data. These can now be found at

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