
We can write sqls like following in play2's anorm:

def findById(id: String): Option[Link] = DB.withConnection {implicit connection =>
  SQL("select * from links where id={id}").on('id -> id).as(simple.singleOpt)

It uses {xxx} format as the placeholder, and the specify a map 'id->id. Is there anyway to use ? as the placeholder as we do in play1?

I hope I can write it like:

def findById(id:String): Option[Link] = DB.withConnection {implicit connection =>
  SQL("select * from links where id=?").on(id).as(simple.singleOpt)

This format is very useful sometimes.

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No, currently Anorm uses the Scala symbols for the mapping and you can't use '?'.

This may change in the future, but it is not possible right now.

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