
I was just participating in Stack Overflow question Is everything in .NET an object?.

And one poster (in comments of accepted answer) seemed to think that performing a method call on a value type resulted in boxing. He pointed me to Boxing and Unboxing (C# Programming Guide) which doesn't exactly specify the use case we're describing.

I'm not one to trust a single source, so I just wanted to get further feedback on the question. My intuition is that there is no boxing but my intuition does suck. :D

To further elaborate:

The example I used was:

int x = 5;
string s = x.ToString(); // Boxing??

Boxing does not occur if the struct in question overrides the method inherited from the object as the accepted answer here states.

However if the struct doesn't override the method, a "constrain" CIL command is executed prior to a callvirt. According to the documentation, OpCodes.Constrained Field, this results in boxing:

If thisType is a value type and thisType does not implement method then ptr is dereferenced, boxed, and passed as the 'this' pointer to the callvirt method instruction.

Was it helpful?


Here's the IL for your code:

L_0001: ldc.i4.5      // get a 5 on the stack
L_0002: stloc.0       // store into x
L_0003: ldloca.s x    // get the address of x on the stack
L_0005: call instance string [mscorlib]System.Int32::ToString()  // ToString
L_000a: stloc.1       // store in s

So the answer in this case is no.


In the case you have given the answer is no, as plinth pointed out.

However, it will if you call a method through an interface pointer.

Consider the code:

interface IZot
    int F();

struct Zot : IZot
    public int F()
        return 123;


Zot z = new Zot();

Does not result in boxing:

.locals init (
    [0] valuetype ConsoleApplication1.Zot z)
L_0000: nop 
L_0001: ldloca.s z
L_0003: initobj ConsoleApplication1.Zot
L_0009: ldloca.s z
L_000b: call instance int32 ConsoleApplication1.Zot::F()
L_0010: pop 
L_0011: ret 

However, this does:

IZot z = new Zot();

   .locals init (
        [0] class ConsoleApplication1.IZot z,
        [1] valuetype ConsoleApplication1.Zot CS$0$0000)
    L_0000: nop 
    L_0001: ldloca.s CS$0$0000
    L_0003: initobj ConsoleApplication1.Zot
    L_0009: ldloc.1 
    L_000a: box ConsoleApplication1.Zot
    L_000f: stloc.0 
    L_0010: ldloc.0 
    L_0011: callvirt instance int32 ConsoleApplication1.IZot::F()
    L_0016: pop 


"I believe that calling ToString, Equals and Gethashcode result in boxing if the structure does not override the methods."

I have checked ToString for you. Int32 does override ToString, so I made a struct that doesn't. I used .NET Reflector to ensure that the struct wasn't somehow magically overriding ToString(), and it wasn't.

So the code was like this:

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication29
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyStruct ms = new MyStruct(5);
            string s = ms.ToString();

    struct MyStruct
        private int m_SomeInt;

        public MyStruct(int someInt)
            m_SomeInt = someInt;

        public int SomeInt
                return m_SomeInt;

And the MSIL (via ILDASM) for the Main method is this:

  IL_0000:  ldloca.s   ms
  IL_0002:  ldc.i4.5
  IL_0003:  call       instance void ConsoleApplication29.MyStruct::.ctor(int32)
  IL_0008:  ldloca.s   ms
  IL_000a:  constrained. ConsoleApplication29.MyStruct
  IL_0010:  callvirt   instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
  IL_0015:  stloc.1
  IL_0016:  ldloc.1
  IL_0017:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
  IL_001c:  ret

Now, despite no boxing call taking place, if you check the documentation about a constrained + a call virt, you will find it states that boxing DOES take place. oOo


If thisType is a value type and thisType does not implement method then ptr is dereferenced, boxed, and passed as the 'this' pointer to the callvirt method instruction.

I believe that calling ToString, Equals and Gethashcode result in boxing if the structure does not override the methods.

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