
I have a site with the following robots.txt in the root:

User-agent: *
Disabled: /

User-agent: Googlebot 
Disabled: /

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /

And pages within this site are getting scanned by Googlebots all day long. Is there something wrong with my file or with Google?

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It should be Disallow:, not Disabled:.


Maybe give the Google robots.txt checker a try

Google have an analysis tool for checking robots.txt entries, read about it here

You might also want to check the IP addresses of the "rogue" robots to see if they really are owned by Google.

Also I believe that the bot goes down the page and takes the first directive that applies to it. In your case, Googlebot and Googlebot-Image would never see their specific directives because they would respect the "User-Agent: *" first.

Disregard this answer. I found information that points to this not being the case. The bot should find the directive specific to it and respect it

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