
I'm running two mongrels under an Nginx server. I keep getting requests for a nonexistent file. The IP addresses change frequently but the referring URL stays the same. I'd like to resolve this.

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Block most "referrer spam" -- "more of an annoyance than a problem"


    ## Deny certain Referers (case insensitive)
    ## The ~* makes it case insensitive as opposed to just a ~
 if ($http_referer ~* (babes|click|diamond|forsale|girl|jewelry|love|nudit|organic|poker|porn|poweroversoftware|sex|teen|video|webcam|zippo))
    {  return 403;   }


Using Nginx map module is a a bit more efficient and easier to manage as the list gets long.

Put this in your http {} block :

map $http_referer $bad_referer {

    default                           0;

    # Put regexes for undesired referers here
    ""             1;
    ""                     1;
    ""                  1;
    ""              1;
    ""    1;
    ""           1;
    ""      1;
    ""                 1;
    ""                 1;
    ""               1;
    ""                      1;
    ""        1;
    ""   1;
    ""                   1;
    ""                    1;
    ""                     1;
    ""              1;
    ""               1;
    ""             1;
    ""          1;
    ""                 1;
    ""                1;
    ""                       1;
    ""          1;
    ""       1;

Put this in your server {} block:

if ($bad_referer) { 
    return 444; # emtpy response

It worked for me.

Got this from

I've been in a similar situation before where I needed to block people based on behaviour instead of other arbitrary rules that a firewall could sort out on its own.

They way I worked around the problem was to make my logic (Rails in your case) do the blocking... But a long way round:

  • Have your logic maintain a block-list as a new-line separated plaintext file.
  • Create a bash (or other) script as root to read this file and add its listees to your firewall's blocklist
  • Create a cron job to call the script, again, as root

The reason I do it this way around (rather than just giving Django permissions to alter firewall config) is simply: security. If my application were hacked, I wouldn't want it to hurt anything else.

The bash script is something like this:

exec < /path/to/my/djago-maintained/block-list
while read line

    iptables -A INPUT --source $line/32 -j DROP


I have created module for checking incoming IP in black lists

it's uses blacklists from, and

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