
Say I do this (a contrived example):

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ifstream ifs(argv[1]);

    char ch;
    while(, 1)) {
        cout << ch;

I assume(hope) that the iostream library does some internal buffering here and doesn't turn this into gazillions of one-byte file-read operations at the OS level.

Is there a way of:

a) Finding out the size of ifstream's internal buffer?

b) Changing the size of ifstream's internal buffer?

I'm writing a file filter that needs to read multi-gigabyte files in small chunks and I'd like to experiment with different buffer sizes to see if it affects performance.

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You can use ios::rdbuf() to get a pointer to a streambuf object. This object represents the internal buffer for the stream.

You can call streambuf::pubsetbuf(char * s, streamsize n) to set a new internal buffer with a given size.

See this link for more details.

edit: Here is how it would look in your case:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argCount, char ** argList[])
    ifstream inStream(argList[1]);

    char myBuffer [512];
    inStream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(myBuffer, sizeof(myBuffer));

    char ch;
    while(, 1))
        cout << ch;

edit: as pointed out by litb, the actual behavior of streambuf::pubsetbuf is "implementation-defined".

If you really want to play around with the buffers, you may have to roll your own buffering class that inherits from streambuf.

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