
I'm having a little problem with this setup here I have a list of .ascx files and they all do different tasks in terms of calculations to the controller itself. So on my .aspx page I click on an Ajax.ActionLink() and this will render that specific .ascx file based on the item I clicked. Within that .ascx are 1-3 events that will fire 2 of them are onclick events and 1 is onload. The onclick event(s) are easier to work with in terms of I can hardcode it directly in the controls event like so onclick="$("#toggleMe3").slideToggle("slow");" and the onload must run when the .ascx is loaded i was testing this in a $(document).ready(function(){}); call, this works fine in the .aspx page but as soon as I try adding it into the .aspx page it doesn't load and its ideal that this works but I have no idea why not. In fact nothing in the script tags work if I insert directly into the .ascx page they only work if hardcoded into the control's events, well some of them at least; the onload and onprerender don't fire.

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I had the same problem, after partial postback script specified in $(document).ready was not executed. I found solution here MSDN - PageRequestManager Class

Looks like adding a script like below fixes the issue

<script type="text/javascript">


I've had success using $(document).ready in my partials that get loaded via XHR. Are the views that you're loading via XHR throwing JavaScript exceptions? Or do they contain malformed HTML?

I typically have my $(document).ready method at the bottom of my partial that I load via Ajax, like...

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(){ callMyFunction(); });

I had a hard time understanding your question...but here it goes.

If you are loading date using AJAX calls, the $(document).ready() event will not fire -- because the page was already loaded. You are just loading more data now.

If you already know the controls what will apear, pre-load the JavaScript, but instead of just binding using the click event handler, use the live handler.



turns into

 $("#myControl").live("click", ....);

Sorry if this isn't what you were looking for.

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