
I got a QtWebKit.QWebView widget in a PyQt application window that I use to display text and stuff for a chat-like application.

    self.mainWindow = QtWebKit.QWebView()

As the conversation gets longer the vertical scrollbar appears.

What I'd like to get, is to scroll the displayed view to the bottom when it's needed. How can I do it? Or, maybe, I shouldn't use QWebView widget for this?

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kender - The QWebView is made up of a QWebPage and a QWebFrame. The scroll bar properties are stored in the QWebFrame, which has a setScrollBarValue() method, as well as a scrollBarMaximum() method to return the max position.

See these links for details: QWebView, QWebFrame


For (Py)Qt 4.5, use frame's scroll position, e.g. See QWebFrame::setScrollPosition() function..

Maybe JavaScript is the easiest way, but you may also use evaluateJavaScript function of QWebView:"window.scrollTo(0, "+str(self.init_ypos)+");")

where self is a class Browser(QWebView) (self.mainWindow for you).

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