
I have a class for interacting with a memcache server. I have different functions for inserting, deleting and retrieving data. Originally each function made a call to memcache_connect(), however that was unnecessary, e.g.:


would make three memcache connections. I worked around this by creating a construct for the class:

function __construct() {
    $this->mem = memcache_connect( ... );

and then using $this->mem wherever the resource was needed, so each of the three functions use the same memcache_connect resource.

This is alright, however if I call the class inside other classes, e.g.:

class abc
    function __construct() {
        $this->mc = new cache_class;
class def
    function __construct() {
        $this->mc = new cache_class;

then it is still making two memcache_connect calls, when it only needs one.

I can do this with globals but I would prefer not to use them if I don't have to.

Example globals implementation:

$resource = memcache_connect( ... );

class cache_class
    function insert() {
        global $resource;
        memcache_set( $resource , ... );
    function get() {
        global $resource;
        return memcache_get( $resource , ... );


Then no matter how many times the class is called there will only be one call to memcache_connect.

Is there a way to do this or should I just use globals?

Was it helpful?


I would code another class using singleton pattern for getting the only instance of memcache. Like this -

class MemCache 
  private static $instance = false;   
  private function __construct() {}

  public static function getInstance()
    if(self::$instance === false)
      self::$instance = memcache_connect(); 

    return self::$instance; 

and usage -

$mc = MemCache::getInstance();
memcache_get($mc, ...)


Pass in the MC instance:

class abc
    function __construct($mc) {
        $this->mc = $mc;
class def
    function __construct($mc) {
        $this->mc = $mc;

$mc = new cache_class;
$abc = new abc($mc);


I think you're looking for static properties here.

class mc {
    private static $instance;

    public static function getInstance() {
        if (self::$instance== null) {
            self::$instance= new self;
        return self::$instance;

    private function __construct() {
        $this->mem = memcache_connect(...);

This implements a basic singleton pattern. Instead of constructing the object call mc::getInstance(). Have a look at singletons.

You should use dependency injection. The singleton pattern and static constructs are considered bad practice because they essentially are globals (and for good reason -- they cement you to using whatever class you instantiate as opposed to some other).

Here is something like what you should do in order to have easy maintenance.

class MemCache {
    protected $memcache;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->memcache = memcache_connect();

class Client {
    protected $MemCache;

    public function __construct( MemCache $MemCache ){
        $this->MemCache = $MemCache;

    public function getMemCache(){
        return $this->MemCache;

$MemCache = new MemCache();
$Client = new Client($MemCache);
$MemCache1 = $Client->getMemCache();

// $MemCache and $MemCache1 are the same object. 
// memcache_connect() has not been called more than once.
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