
so I have this array saved in a variable title $arr. I want to grab or echo the value of [slug]

Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 11 
                                 [name] => Community Service 
                                 [slug] => community-service 
                                 [term_group] => 0 
                                 [term_taxonomy_id] => 11 
                                 [taxonomy] => category

So i want something like this

echo $arr[slug]

which would then display "community-service". I am sure this is something pretty easy but i can't figure out how to grab the value out of an array stdClass and echo it on the page. Thank you.

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The array $arr contains 1 item which is an object. You have to use the -> syntax to access it's attributes.

echo $arr[0]->slug;


Sorry, but you can do something more elegant.

foreach ($array as $obj)
    // Here you can access to every object value in the way that you want
    echo $obj->term_id;

Try simple following code...

echo $arr[0]->slug;

It supposed to be work because your array contain one object only.

It should work echo $arr->{0}->slug

you can convert stdClass Object to php array like this and print any value.

$php_array = json_encode($stdClass_object);
$php_array = json_decode($php_array,true);
echo "<pre>";print_r($php_array);
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