
I've got the following code in a view :

@helper.form(action = routes.item.add) {

In my internationalization files, i have entries for name. e.g. :

  • in messages.en : name=Name
  • in : name=Nom

The view is always rendered with the french label for this inputText and I don't know how to change for another langage, e.g. using the global parameter lang defined in my view.

I was looking for some solutions like : @helper.form(action = routes.item.add, lang) or the same kind of code at inputText level.

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Solution 2

My solution :


@import play.i18n._

@translate(text: String) = @{
 Message.get(lang, text)
@helper.form(action = routes.item.add) {
     <p>@helper.inputText(myItem("name"), '_label -> translate("name"))</p>

In Play, it's possible to add attribute to the forms with the '_ convention. I have overriden the label using this by applying my own translate function.


Are you using Scala or Java? With Scala you can set a implicit language. But for Java this is not easy as in Play 1.2.4:

Lang.set(...) or .change()

This will be solved in 2.1:

See previous discussion in Google Groups:!topic/play-framework/dE1SPBaTM6w

Is you use scala have a look at post: i18n error: controller and templates uses different implicit languages

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