
I'm running OSX 10.9 Maverick, following a restart I began to see the following message:

"An internal error occurred during: "Refreshing TFS Repository information for". The character ' ' is not permitted in server paths."

I've tried removing all traces of Eclipse & Team Explorer Everywhere and re-installing it as a clean-version but the error continues.

Here's a list of files/directories I removed..

  1. Users/My-Mac/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Team Foundation/
  2. Users/My-Mac/.eclipse
  3. Users/My-Mac/Preferences/org.eclipse.platform.ide.plist
  4. Users/My-Mac/Documents/Workspace/
  5. Users/My-Mac/Library/Caches/org.eclipse.platform.ide/
  6. Users/My-Mac/Library/Saved Application State/org.eclipse.platform.ide.savedState
  7. Applications/Eclipse

LOG: Pastebin of log -

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The error was actually with the machines name!

'My-Mac' contains an hyphin, which seems to cause issues when using TEE. I updated my machine name to MyMac (Preferences -> Sharing -> Update 'Computer Name'). Once the machine name was updated to MyMac, I removed the old Eclipse workspace and added a new one.

TFS loaded correctly this time, no more character issue.


I deeply suspect it is another symptom of the TFS/.NET MAX_PATH problem. We have some very long paths in our enlistment and we keep our enlistment roots limited to 12 characters to avoid exceeding the limit. On this Mac, I enlisted to the default eclipse workspace path, like /Users/ When syncing I hit the error. Tried multiple times with the same result. When I mapped to /abcdefgh. the problem went away.

Alex, for your case, it's entirely possible that removing the '-' in your machine name changed the length of a path string and put you under the limit. Hopes this helps you.

PS: Visual Studio / Team Services folks, I'm ex-Microsoft/DevDiv. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or want to try a private drop.

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