
I have a postgres table -

  id serial NOT NULL,
  name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  type char(1) NOT NULL,
  status char(1) NOT NULL,

I'm trying to get field values type and status back to my Play 2.x (Anorm) application:

 val parseContest = {
  get[Pk[Int]]("id") ~
  get[String]("name") ~
  get[Char]("type") ~
  get[Char]("status") map {
  case id~name~c_type~status =>
    Contest(id, name, c_type, status)

and get error:

could not find implicit value for parameter extractor: anorm.Column[Char]

Looks like 'Char' is not supported by anorm. What should I change in my code? Is it good practice to use get[String]("status") and then status.head as workaround?

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I think you could write an implicit converter for your char columns. That would look like this:

implicit def columnToChar: Column[Char] = {
    Column[Char](transformer = {
      (value, meta) =>
        val MetaDataItem(qualified, nullable, clazz) = meta
        value match {
          case ch: String => Right(ch.head)
          case _ => Left(TypeDoesNotMatch("Cannot convert " + value + " to Char for column " + qualified))

Then be sure this converter is in scope.

I'm not sure the value would be a String but you can check it and make the corresponding corrections.


There is recently merged PR on Anorm about that:

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