
Not solely a Firebase question, but I am using Firebase to make posts to a backend from Android and run it 10 times, once every second.

Firebase ref = new Firebase(URL);

However this is an Asynchronous Call and when I put a while loop:

while (time_now < time_start + 10 seconds) {
     Firebase ref = new Firebase(URL);

It seems to run the while loop first and then ~10 Firebase calls at the end. Is there a way to add a timeout so that it forces the Asynchronous (Firebase) calls to run for a second before calling the next Async call?

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If you look at the Java example on the Firebase web site, you'll see that it has a doTransactions method and an onComplete method:

Firebase countRef = new Firebase(URL);
Transaction.Handler handler = new Transaction.Handler() {
    public Transaction.Result doTransaction(MutableData currentData) {
        // set the new time

    public void onComplete(FirebaseError error, boolean committed, DataSnapshot currentData) {
        if (error != null) {
        } else {
            if (!committed) {
            } else {
                // transaction committed, do next iteration

So you'd set the new time in the doTransaction method:

// set the new time
return Transaction.success(currentData);

And then start a next iteration in the onComplete method.

// transaction committed, do next iteration
if (time_now < time_start + 10 seconds) {
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