
I'm in the process of creating a temporary procedure in SQL because I have a value of a table which is written in markdown, so it appear as rendered HTML in the web browser (markdown to HTML conversion).

String of the column currently look like this:

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I'm currently working with bold and italic text. This mean (in the case of bold text) I will need to replace odd N times the pattern**with<b>and even times with</b>.
I saw replace() but it perform the replacement on all the patterns of the string.

So How I can replace a sub-string only if it is odd or only it is even?

Update: Some peoples wonder what schemas I'm using so just take a look here.

One more extra if you want: The markdown style hyperlink to html hyperlink doesn't look so simple.

Was it helpful?


Using theSTUFFfunction and a simpleWHILEloop:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_OddEvenReplace(@text nvarchar(500), 
                                      @textToReplace nvarchar(10), 
                                      @oddText nvarchar(10), 
                                      @evenText nvarchar(500))
RETURNS varchar(max)
    DECLARE @counter tinyint
    SET @counter = 1

    DECLARE @switchText nvarchar(10)
    WHILE CHARINDEX(@textToReplace, @text, 1) > 0
        SELECT @text = STUFF(@text, 
                    CHARINDEX(@textToReplace, @text, 1), 
                @counter = @counter + 1
    RETURN @text

And you can use it like this:

SELECT dbo.fn_OddEvenReplace(column, '**', '<b>', '</b>')
FROM table


This is re-written as an SP:

CREATE PROC dbo.##sp_OddEvenReplace @text nvarchar(500), 
                                  @textToReplace nvarchar(10), 
                                  @oddText nvarchar(10), 
                                  @evenText nvarchar(10),
                                  @returnText nvarchar(500) output
    DECLARE @counter tinyint
    SET @counter = 1

    DECLARE @switchText nvarchar(10)
    WHILE CHARINDEX(@textToReplace, @text, 1) > 0
        SELECT @text = STUFF(@text, 
                    CHARINDEX(@textToReplace, @text, 1), 
                @counter = @counter + 1
    SET @returnText = @text

And to execute:

DECLARE @returnText nvarchar(500)
EXEC dbo.##sp_OddEvenReplace '**a** **b** **c**', '**', '<b>', '</b>', @returnText output

SELECT @returnText


As per OP's request I have modified my earlier answer to perform as a temporary stored procedure. I have left my earlier answer as I believe the usage against a table of strings to be useful also.

If a Tally (or Numbers) table is known to already exist with at least 8000 values, then the marked section of the CTE can be omitted and the CTE reference tally replaced with the name of the existing Tally table.

create procedure #HtmlTagExpander(
     @InString   varchar(8000) 
    ,@OutString  varchar(8000)  output
    declare @Delimiter  char(2) = '**';

    create table #t( 
         StartLocation  int             not null
        ,EndLocation    int             not null

        ,constraint PK unique clustered (StartLocation desc)

          -- vvv Only needed in absence of Tally table vvv
    E1(N) as ( 
        select 1 from (values
        ) E1(N)
    ),                                              --10E+1 or 10 rows
    E2(N) as (select 1 from E1 a cross join E1 b),  --10E+2 or 100 rows
    E4(N) As (select 1 from E2 a cross join E2 b),  --10E+4 or 10,000 rows max
    tally(N) as (select row_number() over (order by (select null)) from E4),
          -- ^^^ Only needed in absence of Tally table ^^^

    Delimiter as (
        select len(@Delimiter)     as Length,
               len(@Delimiter)-1   as Offset
    cteTally(N) AS (
        select top (isnull(datalength(@InString),0)) 
            row_number() over (order by (select null)) 
        from tally
    cteStart(N1) AS 
        from cteTally t cross join Delimiter 
        where substring(@InString, t.N, Delimiter.Length) = @Delimiter
    cteValues as (
             TagNumber = row_number() over(order by N1)
            ,Location   = N1
        from cteStart
    HtmlTagSpotter as (
        from cteValues
    tags as (
             Location       = f.Location
            ,IsOpen         = cast((TagNumber % 2) as bit)
            ,Occurrence     = TagNumber
        from HtmlTagSpotter f
    insert #t(StartLocation,EndLocation)
    from tags data
    join tags prev
       on prev.Occurrence = data.Occurrence - 1
      and prev.IsOpen     = 1;

    set @outString = @Instring;

    update this
    set @outString = stuff(stuff(@outString,this.EndLocation,  2,'</b>')
    from #t this with (tablockx)
    option (maxdop 1);

Invoked like this:

declare @InString   varchar(8000) 
       ,@OutString  varchar(8000);

set @inString = 'Questions about **general computing hardware and software** are off-topic **for Stack Overflow.';
exec #HtmlTagExpander @InString,@OutString out; select @OutString;

set @inString = 'Questions **about** general computing hardware and software **are off-topic** for Stack Overflow.';
exec #HtmlTagExpander @InString,@OutString out; select @OutString;

drop procedure #HtmlTagExpander;

It yields as output:

Questions about <b>general computing hardware and software</b> are off-topic **for Stack Overflow.

Questions <b>about</b> general computing hardware and software <b>are off-topic</b> for Stack Overflow.

One option is to use a Regular Expression as it makes replacing such patterns very simple. RegEx functions are not built into SQL Server so you need to use SQL CLR, either compiled by you or from an existing library.

For this example I will use the SQL# (SQLsharp) library (which I am the author of) but the RegEx functions are available in the Free version.

SELECT SQL#.RegEx_Replace
   N'Questions about **general computing hardware and software** are off-topic\
for Stack Overflow unless **they** directly involve tools used primarily for\
**programming. You may be able to get help on [Super User]\
(', -- @ExpressionToValidate
   N'\*\*([^\*]*)\*\*', -- @RegularExpression
   N'<b>$1</b>', -- @Replacement
   -1, -- @Count (-1 = all)
   1, - @StartAt
   'IgnoreCase' -- @RegEx options

The above pattern \*\*([^\*]*)\*\* just looks for anything surrounded by double-asterisks. In this case you don't need to worry about odd / even. It also means that you won't get a poorly-formed <b>-only tag if for some reason there is an extra ** in the string. I added two additional test cases to the original string: a complete set of ** around the word they and an unmatched set of ** just before the word programming. The output is:

Questions about <b>general computing hardware and software</b> are off-topicfor Stack Overflow unless <b>they</b> directly involve tools used primarily for **programming. You may be able to get help on [Super User](

which renders as:

Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topicfor Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for **programming. You may be able to get help on Super User

This solution makes use of techniques described by Jeff Moden in this article on the Running Sum problem in SQL. This solution is lengthy, but by making use of the Quirky Update in SQL Server over a clustered index, holds the promise of being much more efficient over large data sets than cursor-based solutions.

Update - amended below to operate off a table of strings

Assuming the existence of a tally table created like this (with at least 8000 rows):

create table dbo.tally (
     N int not null
    ,unique clustered (N desc)

E1(N) as ( 
    select 1 from (values
    ) E1(N)
),                                              --10E+1 or 10 rows
E2(N) as (select 1 from E1 a cross join E1 b),  --10E+2 or 100 rows
E4(N) As (select 1 from E2 a cross join E2 b)   --10E+4 or 10,000 rows max
insert dbo.tally(N)
select row_number() over (order by (select null)) from E4;

and a HtmlTagSpotter function defined like this:

create function dbo.HtmlTagSPotter(
     @pString       varchar(8000)
    ,@pDelimiter    char(2))
returns table with schemabinding as
        Delimiter as (
        select len(@pDelimiter)     as Length,
               len(@pDelimiter)-1   as Offset
    cteTally(N) AS (
        select top (isnull(datalength(@pstring),0)) 
            row_number() over (order by (select null)) 
        from dbo.tally
    cteStart(N1) AS (--==== Returns starting position of each "delimiter" )
        from cteTally t cross join Delimiter 
        where substring(@pString, t.N, Delimiter.Length) = @pDelimiter
    cteValues as (
             ItemNumber = row_number() over(order by N1)
            ,Location   = N1
        from cteStart
    from cteValues

then running the following SQL will perform the required substitution. Note that the inner join at the end prevents any trailing "odd" tags from being converted:

create table #t( 
     ItemNo         int             not null
    ,Item           varchar(8000)       null
    ,StartLocation  int             not null
    ,EndLocation    int             not null

    ,constraint PK unique clustered (ItemNo,StartLocation desc)

with data(i,s) as ( select i,s from (values
        (1,'Questions about **general computing hardware and software** are off-topic **for Stack Overflow.')
       ,(2,'Questions **about **general computing hardware and software** are off-topic **for Stack Overflow.')
tags as (
         ItemNo         = data.i
        ,Item           = data.s
        ,Location       = f.Location
        ,IsOpen         = cast((TagNumber % 2) as bit)
        ,Occurrence     = TagNumber
    from data
    cross apply dbo.HtmlTagSPotter(data.s,'**') f
insert #t(ItemNo,Item,StartLocation,EndLocation)
from tags data
join tags prev
   on prev.ItemNo       = data.ItemNo
  and prev.Occurrence = data.Occurrence - 1
  and prev.IsOpen     = 1

union all

from data

declare @ItemNo     int
       ,@ThisStting varchar(8000);

declare @s varchar(8000);
update this
    set @s = this.Item = case when this.StartLocation > 8000
                              then this.Item
                              else stuff(stuff(@s,this.EndLocation,  2,'</b>')
from #t this with (tablockx)
option (maxdop 1);

from (
        ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ItemNo order by StartLocation) as rn
    from #t
) t
where rn = 1


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