
I can't seems to find the error in below script. i have been checking for while now. sorry i'm really new to SQL and PHP.

    $tCompany_SQLselect = "SELECT ";
    $tCompany_SQLselect .= "ID, preNAME, Name, RegType ";
    $tCompany_SQLselect .= "FROM ";
    $tCompany_SQLselect .= "tCompany ";

    $tCompany_SQLselect_Query = mysql_query($tCompany_SQLselect);

    $index = 1;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($tCompany_SQLselect_Query, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $preNAME = $row['preNAME'];
        $Name = $row['Name'];
        $RegType = $row['RegType'];

        echo $index.".".$preNAME."".$Name."".$RegType" <br />;


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The problem is in the way you concatenated the variables.

You forgot a dot and a quote. Change .$RegType" <br />; to . $RegType . "<br />";

echo $index . "." . $preNAME . " " . $Name . " " . $RegType  "<br /> ;
                                                            ^  dot  ^ quote

Change it to:

echo $index . "." . $preNAME . " " . $Name . " " . $RegType . "<br />";

You can remove the space in the " " if you want.


first: you can use:

$tCompany_SQLselect_Query = mysql_query($tCompany_SQLselect) or die(mysql_error());

this will allow you to debug the error.

second: you can use:

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tCompany_SQLselect_Query)

to shorten the syntax.

The echo line should be:

echo $index.".".$preNAME." ".$Name." ".$RegType." . "<br />";

You were missing quotes around <br />, and the . for concatenation before it.

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