
What tools are used for working with HSL colors in .net?

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The color struct provides three methods: GetHue, GetSaturation and GetBrightness.

Bob Powell wrote an interesting piece on this several years ago.

Bizarre historical note -- "HSL" (and the related "HSV") are one of the many things originating from Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the 70's, courtesy of Alvy Ray Smith.


This ColorRGB class provides ways to get and set HSL, along with implicit conversions to and from System.Drawing.Color. It's based on an excellent example from

using System;
using System.Drawing;

namespace RMA.Drawing
  public class ColorRGB
    public byte R;
    public byte G;
    public byte B;
    public byte A;

    public ColorRGB()
      R = 255;
      G = 255;
      B = 255;
      A = 255;

    public ColorRGB(Color value)
      this.R = value.R;
      this.G = value.G;
      this.B = value.B;
      this.A = value.A;

    public static implicit operator Color(ColorRGB rgb)
      Color c = Color.FromArgb(rgb.A, rgb.R, rgb.G, rgb.B);
      return c;

    public static explicit operator ColorRGB(Color c)
      return new ColorRGB(c);

    // Given H,S,L in range of 0-1
    // Returns a Color (RGB struct) in range of 0-255
    public static ColorRGB FromHSL(double H, double S, double L)
      return FromHSLA(H, S, L, 1.0);

    // Given H,S,L,A in range of 0-1
    // Returns a Color (RGB struct) in range of 0-255
    public static ColorRGB FromHSLA(double H, double S, double L, double A)
      double v;
      double r, g, b;

      if (A > 1.0)
        A = 1.0;

      r = L;   // default to gray
      g = L;
      b = L;
      v = (L <= 0.5) ? (L * (1.0 + S)) : (L + S - L * S);

      if (v > 0)
        double m;
        double sv;
        int sextant;
        double fract, vsf, mid1, mid2;

        m = L + L - v;
        sv = (v - m) / v;
        H *= 6.0;
        sextant = (int)H;
        fract = H - sextant;
        vsf = v * sv * fract;
        mid1 = m + vsf;
        mid2 = v - vsf;

        switch (sextant)
          case 0:
            r = v;
            g = mid1;
            b = m;

          case 1:
            r = mid2;
            g = v;
            b = m;

          case 2:
            r = m;
            g = v;
            b = mid1;

          case 3:
            r = m;
            g = mid2;
            b = v;

          case 4:
            r = mid1;
            g = m;
            b = v;

          case 5:
            r = v;
            g = m;
            b = mid2;

      ColorRGB rgb = new ColorRGB();
      rgb.R = Convert.ToByte(r * 255.0f);
      rgb.G = Convert.ToByte(g * 255.0f);
      rgb.B = Convert.ToByte(b * 255.0f);
      rgb.A = Convert.ToByte(A * 255.0f);
      return rgb;

    // Hue in range from 0.0 to 1.0
    public float H
        // Use System.Drawing.Color.GetHue, but divide by 360.0F 
        // because System.Drawing.Color returns hue in degrees (0 - 360)
        // rather than a number between 0 and 1.
        return ((Color)this).GetHue() / 360.0F;

    // Saturation in range 0.0 - 1.0
    public float S
        return ((Color)this).GetSaturation();

    // Lightness in range 0.0 - 1.0
    public float L
        return ((Color)this).GetBrightness();

In addition to secretGeek's answer, to get a color from HSL values (or vice-versa), you can also use these native function calls (sample code in Visual Basic):

Public Declare Sub ColorRGBToHLS Lib "shlwapi.dll" _
                                    (ByVal clrRGB As UInteger, _
                                     ByRef pwHue As Short, _
                                     ByRef pwLuminance As Short, _
                                     ByRef pwSaturation As Short)
Public Declare Function ColorHLSToRGB Lib "shlwapi.dll" _
                                        (ByVal wHue As Short, _
                                         ByVal wLuminance As Short, _
                                         ByVal wSaturation As Short) As UInteger

(using ColorTranslator.ToWin32 and ColorTranslator.FromWin32 when passing/receiving the color argument/result)

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