
I'm having problems using textures that are larger than the OpenGL window or the display size as non-display render targets.
What's the solution for this problem?

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There's a simple solution.

Assuming your (non-display) textures are 1024x1024 and you are restricted to a 256x256 window/display.

unsigned int WIN_WIDTH = 256;
unsigned int WIN_HEIGHT = WIN_WIDTH;
unsigned int TEX_WIDTH = 1024;
unsigned int TEX_HEIGHT = TEX_WIDTH;

Use the window size to create your OpenGL window:

glutInitWindowSize(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT);

But, use the texture size for everything else:

glViewport(0, 0, TEX_WIDTH, TEX_HEIGHT);
gluOrtho2D(0.0, TEX_WIDTH, 0.0, TEX_HEIGHT);
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