
Has anyone worked out how to get PowerShell to use app.config files? I have a couple of .NET DLL's I'd like to use in one of my scripts but they expect their own config sections to be present in app.config/web.config.

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Cross-referencing with this thread, which helped me with the same question: Subsonic Access To App.Config Connection Strings From Referenced DLL in Powershell Script

I added the following to my script, before invoking the DLL that needs config settings, where $configpath is the location of the file I want to load:

[appdomain]::CurrentDomain.SetData("APP_CONFIG_FILE", $configpath)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Configuration

See this post to ensure the configuration file specified is applied to the running context.


I'm guessing that the settings would have to be in powershell.exe.config in the powershell directory, but that seems to be a bad way of doing things.

You can use ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration to open a configuration file based on the executing DLL name, rather than the application exe, but this would obviously require changes to the DLLs.

Attempting a new answer to an old question.

I think the modern answer would be: don't do that. PowerShell is a shell. The normal way of passing information between parts of the shell are shell variables. For powershell that would look like:

$global:MyComponent_MySetting = '12'
# i.e. 

If settings is expected to be inherited across processes boundaries the convention is to use environment variables. I extend this to settings that cross C# / PowerShell boundary. A couple of examples:


If you think this is an anti-pattern for .NET you might want to reconsider. This is the norm for PAAS hosted apps, and is going to be the new default for ASP.NET running on server-optimized CLR (ASP.NET v5).

Note: at time of writing I'm linking to .AddEnvironmentVariables()

I've revisited this question a few times, including asking it myself. I wanted to put a stake in the ground to say PowerShell stuff doesn't work well with <appSettings>. IMO it is much better to embrace the shell aspect of PS over the .NET aspect in this regards.

If you need complex configuration take a JSON string. POSH v3+ has ConvertFrom-JSON built-in. If everything in your process uses the same complex configuration put it in a .json file and point to that file from an environment variable.

If a single file doesn't suffice there are well established solutions like the PATH pattern, GIT .gitignore resolution, or ASP.NET web.config resolution (which I won't repeat here).

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