
Does anyone know of any good examples of usage of HTML5 elements that are well-styled out on the intertubes?

Specifically, I'm curious to see <article>, <aside>, <meter>, <nav>, <header> and so on.

I'm specifically not interested in video, audio, offline or drag-n-drop files. Just the cosmetic stuff.

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When I'm looking for good html5 examples in the wild I generally check Its been a pretty solid resource thus far. You are probably aware that support for these elements is a bit lacking in even many of the newest browsers.


Yes, (Run by Bruce Lawson of Opera) is a great resource for HTML5 information, but also a great way to see how HTML5 can be implemented.

(sorry, can’t leave a comment yet) re: @Greco’s answer, I’d warn anyone away from using w3schools as a reference—the link provided still has elements that were dropped from the spec months ago. You could do much better for HTML5 reference, such as the HTML5 Doctor and Dive into HTML5 links already mentioned.

I think you'll love Full Frontal's website, since it was done exclusively in HTML5.

Would just like to point out that HTML5Doctor isn't just run by Bruce Lawson, there are 6 of us in total! Hopefully you're finding it useful.

The chapter in Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into HTML5 on semantics is an excellent primer on using the elements you mention.

Be careful about calling them 'cosmetic' though, wars have been started over less ;)

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