
Is there an IDE for PHP where you can edit the code for your pages online? Real syntax highlighting is minimal. More would be great. I'd like to be able to do development on my site at times other than when I'm at home.

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ShiftEdit Web Based IDE

Syntax highlighting, Integrated (S)FTP, Tabs, Find/Replace, Revision history + it has a free trial


Try; it should be exactly what you are looking for.

check it has Go/PHP/Ruby/Perl/Python/Git/Ftp/SSH, with a VM that has root access.

See if your host supports VIM in the shell. You can SSH into your account from anywhere you can use an ssh client (you can download/run putty without admin rights). The syntax highlighting in VIM is fantastic.

May be this could help you to execute sample php code and see output

Well made but at early development stage so expect minor bugs.

Try one of these:

You can try even thera are some limits (no Internet nonnections, no file manipulations)

I have been trying for ages to find a really good online php editor with which a/to learn php and b/convert some old Delphi (!) source files into the 21st century.

After a couple of very disappointing experiences and irritating false starts most notably with phpanywhere (god did I have high hopes on first discovering that one:( ), I eventually stumbled upon ShiftEdit in Chrome webstore.

So far I've been able to everything I need and as well as providing a simple but powerful enough set of tools; reliability and a general good approach to user interaction has meant that after a couple of weeks I eventually subscribed, although free was good enough for my initial purposes and evaluation.

Take from that what you will but I wholeheartedly recommend it and also love their very quick, iterative release process.

I don't know what your websites audience is, but generally I think it's a bad idea to edit a live website. Much too easy to accidentally break something, or worse print_f your passwords or other secrets by accident.

I run my server from home so this will not be available to everyone but this is basically what I dp:

  1. have ssh and svn on the server
  2. the same apache, php (i get my binary here) and mysql on the server and the laptop
  3. develop on the laptop using netbeans
  4. when happy with changes, do an svn export of the project and scp it to the server.

If you have access to Google Chrome editor I think you should try ShiftEdit or SourceKit Apps from the web store.

This one is specialized on PHP:

FTP access, syntax highlighting and code completition.

Well my website came with cPanel, which has a nice file manager and code editor. It has syntax highlighting and line numbering. It runs too slow on my computer to really use but I've got a pretty slow computer. :P

So to get to the code editor, I'd go to cPanel at, click File Manager, then select a file and click Code Editor.

Edit: I tried using it, and it can highlight PHP and HTML (at the same time), and it also has a "code completion" feature... I'm not sure if that's what it's called, but when you write an opening bracket or quote, it writes the closing one after the cursor. The only problems are that the highlighting isn't perfect (it treats escaped quotes as actual quotes) and more importantly, it's not free.

Etherpad is cool to code collectively but it has no syntax highlighting and is not realy an IDE, just a collaborative pad for programmers with versioning and chat features. Still pretty cool but not what youre looking for.

We are making exactly this happen at! See the feature list.

Please visit, very simple and useful php editor - to edit your scripts on FTP server

The new platform by the "phpanywhere" Team. I found it to be working very well. Interesting about it, making it special, is the Android and Iphone app which actually enables you to really code on the go.

Thats an interesting idea. One could use something like this: to the syntax highlighting then it's just a matter of code completion for things like functions. That much is relatively simple, it gets harder when you get into things like per file (or even included file) variables (for the code completion).

And now that you have me thinking... It's to bad that I don't know javascript better.
If anyone wants to get together and maybe build this idea into a viable project I'm definitely game.

There is also Compilr, it allows C#, VB, Java, PHP, Ruby, C++. Full disclosure, I'm one of the founders.

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