
Part of my "sort your development life out, Rob" push has been me taking note of the fact that I do not have a library of code snippets (and Jeff did a post too). Now I have a few, but I know I should really be working towards creating my own library to boost my productivity.

One thing I have started doing is leaving my code snippet editor open (Snippy) and whenever I realise I am writing common code, I stop and make a snippet for it.

I was just wondering what editors you guys use? There may be a better one out there, and if I am missing out I so want to get in on that! :)

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I've never used one, but I've heard about Code Snippet Editor from Microsoft. This version is for Visual Studio 2005. However, there's also a Visual Studio 2008 edition.


Snippet Compiler is a great little mini-IDE that's perfect for checking little code snippets.

LINQPad It's awesome.

Apart from snippets, you can query SQL databases as well. A set of small webcasts on LINQPad can be found here.

I am a bit biased since this is my project. But I use the Snippet Designer. It integrated directly inside Visual Studio and lets me highlight a section of code and just export it into a snippet editor.

Honestly, in reality, regardless of what I would like to think and say, my empirically tested, productive library is "search in file" and "open that project and that file I did few months ago".

I say this since that is an easy, real-life example of something and best way to re-use. For the ones saying "yes, but you can easily access something from 18 months ago, I will say: that is just not realistic: code older than 18 month is obsolete!

OK, but now to answer the question with the best tool I think people should try: Evernote.

It is cool because in one tool you can do your geeky code library, but also use it for other non-geeky stuff. Plus, it has cool OCR technology to help you search even pictures (with text in them)!

I also use this Snippet Compiler, the one @moobaa linked.

I think it is really good and helpful to test "on-the-fly" little pieces of code, running them immediately without firing up the entire Visual Studio environment; it can target different frameworks version. Try it; it is good.

TextMate all the way for me. I'm actually creating a new bundle for use with the PHP framework that I'm now using.

Rick Strahl recently posted a great ASP.NET MVC project for linking to code snippets from social networking sites:

  1. The project explanation can be found here Introducing CodePaste.NET
  2. The actual site is available at

I add snippets into TextMate bundles (RSpec, Ruby on Rails, etc.).

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