
I'm using Google App Engine and Django templates.
I have a table that I want to display the objects look something like:

Object Result:
    Items = [item1,item2]
    Users = [{name='username',item1=3,item2=4},..]

The Django template is:

<tr align="center">
    {% for item in result.items %}
    {% endfor %}

{% for user in result.users %}
    <tr align="center"> 
        {% for item in result.items %}
            <td>{{ user.item }}</td>
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Now the Django documention states that when it sees a . in variables
It tries several things to get the data, one of which is dictionary lookup which is exactly what I want but doesn't seem to happen...

Was it helpful?


I found a "nicer"/"better" solution for getting variables inside Its not the nicest way, but it works.

You install a custom filter into django which gets the key of your dict as a parameter

To make it work in google app-engine you need to add a file to your main directory, I called mine which contains this little piece of code

from google.appengine.ext import webapp

register = webapp.template.create_template_register()

def hash(h,key):
    if key in h:
        return h[key]
        return None


Now that we have this file, all we need to do is tell the app-engine to use it... we do that by adding this little line to your main file


and in your template view add this template instead of the usual code

{{ user|hash:item }}

And its should work perfectly =)


I'm assuming that the part the doesn't work is {{ user.item }}.

Django will be trying a dictionary lookup, but using the string "item" and not the value of the item loop variable. Django did the same thing when it resolved {{ }} to the name attribute of the user object, rather than looking for a variable called name.

I think you will need to do some preprocessing of the data in your view before you render it in your template.

Or you can use the default django system which is used to resolve attributes in tempaltes like this :

from django.template import Variable, VariableDoesNotExist
def hash(object, attr):
    pseudo_context = { 'object' : object }
        value = Variable('object.%s' % attr).resolve(pseudo_context)
    except VariableDoesNotExist:
        value = None
return value

That just works

in your template :

{{ user|hash:item }}

@Dave Webb (i haven't been rated high enough to comment yet)

The dot lookups can be summarized like this: when the template system encounters a dot in a variable name, it tries the following lookups, in this order:

* Dictionary lookup (e.e., foo["bar"])
* Attribute lookup (e.g.,
* Method call (e.g.,
* List-index lookup (e.g., foo[bar])

The system uses the first lookup type that works. It’s short-circuit logic.

As a replacement for k,v in user.items on Google App Engine using django templates where user = {'a':1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3}

{% for pair in user.items %}
   {% for keyval in pair %} {{ keyval }}{% endfor %}<br>
{% endfor %}

a 1
b 2
c 3

pair = (key, value) for each dictionary item.

shouldn't this:

{{ user.item }}

be this?

{{ item }}

there is no user object in the context within that loop....?

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