
I would like to generate a random floating point number between 2 values. What is the best way to do this in C#?

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The only thing I'd add to Eric's response is an explanation; I feel that knowledge of why code works is better than knowing what code works.

The explanation is this: let's say you want a number between 2.5 and 4.5. The range is 2.0 (4.5 - 2.5). NextDouble only returns a number between 0 and 1.0, but if you multiply this by the range you will get a number between 0 and range.

So, this would give us random doubles between 0.0 and 2.0:

rng.NextDouble() * 2.0

But, we want them between 2.5 and 4.5! How do we do this? Add the smallest number, 2.5:

2.5 + rng.NextDouble() * 2.0

Now, we get a number between 0.0 and 2.0; if you add 2.5 to each of these values we see that the range is now between 2.5 and 4.5.

At first I thought that it mattered if b > a or a > b, but if you work it out both ways you'll find it works out identically so long as you don't mess up the order of the variables used. I like to express it with longer variable names so I don't get mixed up:

double NextDouble(Random rng, double min, double max)
    return min + (rng.NextDouble() * (max - min));


System.Random r = new System.Random();

double rnd( double a, double b )
   return a + r.NextDouble()*(b-a);
// generate a random number starting with 5 and less than 15
Random r = new Random();
int num = r.Next(5, 15);  

For doubles you can replace Next with NextDouble

Here is a snippet of how to get Cryographically safe random numbers: This will fill in the 8 bytes with a crytographically strong sequence of random values.

byte[] salt = new byte[8];
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

For more details see How Random is your Random??" (inspired by a CodingHorror article on deck shuffling)

How random? If you can deal with pseudo-random then simply:

Random randNum = new Random();
randNum. NextDouble(Min, Max);

If you want a "better" random number, then you probably should look at the Mersenne Twister algorithm. Plenty of people hav already implemented it for you though

For an explaination of why Longhorn has been downmodded so much: Look for the implementation of NextDouble and the explanation of what is a random double.

That link is also a goo example of how to use cryptographic random numbers (like Sameer mentioned) only with actual useful outputs instead of a bit stream.

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