
I'm using a rather complex QList in a derivation of QAbstractTableModel to store data:

class MyTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel {
     QList<QHash<int, QHash<int, QVariant> *> *> m_data;

MyTableModel::~TMusicTableModel() {
     /* Should I deallocate QList items? */

MyTableModel::setData(int row, int col, int type, QVariant value) {
    /* inserting a new data field */
    QHash<int, QHash<int, QVariant> *> *row_hash = new QHash<int, QHash<int, QVariant> *>();
    QHash<int, QVariant> *role_hash = new QHash<int, QVariant>();
    type_hash->insert(type, value);
    row_hash->insert(col, type_hash);
    m_data.insert(row, row_hash);
    return true;

I'm wondering if the QList and QHashes take care of the deallaction or if I should do it. The documentation is not very informative in this case.

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Because you're creating the sub items with "new", you do have to deallocate them yourself. See the qDeleteAll function for a quick way of doing so.

Is there a reason why you're using new to create these hashs? (Your code is obviously just a snippet, so the pointers could be used and passed around elsewhere.) Generally, it's much simpler to just construct them on the stack so that destruction happens automatically.


Like any other container class in practically any C++ library, destructing it also activates the destructor of the elements in it. this is true for a simple MyClass array[3], for STL vector<MyClass> and for QT's QList<MyClass> as well.
To make sure everything is destroyed you need to make sure that MyClass has a destructor that indeed deallocates all the resources. Having a QList of pointers does not follow this rule because pointers don't have destructors. instead you may want to use boost's shared_ptr or write your own smart pointer wrapper.

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