
I have a variable of type Dynamic and I know for sure one of its fields, lets call it a, actually is an array. But when I'm writing

var d : Dynamic = getDynamic();
for (t in d.a) {

I get a compilation error on line two:

You can't iterate on a Dynamic value, please specify Iterator or Iterable

How can I make this compilable?

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Haxe can't iterate over Dynamic variables (as the compiler says).

You can make it work in several ways, where this one is probably easiest (depending on your situation):

var d : {a:Array<Dynamic>} = getDynamic();
for (t in d.a) { ... }

You could also change Dynamic to the type of the contents of the array.


Another way to do the same is to use an extra temp variable and explicit typing:

var d = getDynamic();
var a: Array<Dynamic> = d.a;
for (t in a) { ... }
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