
This is my format in the calculated formula:


I have value "2018-12-13 10:10:23" in Column1 but when Column2 is blank the calculated column shows "10:10:23" based of Column1.

Is there anyway to make it blank or say some text instead?

Tried this code in calculated column but with no success:

=IF(ISBLANK([Column2]);"no value";)=TEXT([Column2]-[Column1];"hh:mm:ss")
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IF has three parts, condition, result if true, result if false.

=IF( a>b, "a is greater", "a is not greater" )


=IF( ISBLANK(Column2); "no value"; TEXT(Column2-Column1;"hh:mm:ss") )


=IF( ISBLANK(Column2); ""; TEXT(Column2-Column1;"hh:mm:ss") )
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