
I have a need to have SOAP web service on my rails app. (this is for a Quickbooks integration and QB web connector expects you to have web services on your end :(

I tried dnordberg's actionwebservice gem (gem 'actionwebservice', :git => "git://") which is Rails 3 port of the original data-noise/actionwebserice gem.

Since i am a relative newby to RoR (not to programming though), I am not very sure what other missing steps are. I have added the above actionwebservice gem and SOAP4R (


gem 'soap4r', :git => 'git://'
gem 'actionwebservice', :git => ''

and followed the instruction here:

But I just cant get the Web Service to work. I keep getting route error. (apparently rails hasn't recognised it as a WS yet, and hence looking for appropriate controller routes?).

No route matches [GET] "/hello_message/wsdl"

for http://localhost:3000/hello_message/wsdl

Can anyone provide a quick run down on the steps needed on rails 3.x ? Thanks!

ps: rails g web_service doesn't work either

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I have been working on a fork of ActionWebService and have fixed this issue for Rails 3.1.x, as well as some of the scaffolding issues. You can find my fork at

Keep an eye on it as I will be adding more fixes over the next week or so (such as the "Cannot map SOAP::Mapping::SOAPException to SOAP/OM." error you get when using the scaffold when an exception in the code is generated.)

One current caveat is that you need to add a log_error(message) function to your controller that you've assigned as an webservice controller because I haven't added this into the gem yet.

Don't forget to add the acts_as_web_service call into your controller to hook it all together, because that wasn't mentioned in the original docs.

[edit] forgot to mention i am using this version of SOAP4r

Look forward to your comments


Have you tried adding a new route to routes.rb?

match "/hello_message/wsdl" => "hello_message#wsdl"

Rails3 is stricter about having all routes defined

I needed to add the following to my routes.rb:

  get "hello_message/wsdl"
  post "hello_message/api"
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