
I'm trying to place this menu:

<div class="left-menu" style="left: 123px; top: 355px">  
        <li> Categories </li>  
        <li> Weapons </li>  
        <li> Armor </li>  
        <li> Manuals </li>  
        <li> Sustenance </li>  
        <li> Test </li>  

On the left hand side of the page. The problem is that if I use absolute or fixed values.
Different screen sizes will render the navigation bar differently. I also have a second div that contains all the main content which also needs to be moved to the right, so far I'm using relative values which seems to work no matter the screen size.

Was it helpful?


float is indeed the right property to achieve this. However, the example given by bmatthews68 can be improved. The most important thing about floating boxes is that they must specify an explicit width. This can be rather inconvenient but this is the way CSS works. However, notice that px is a unit of measure that has no place in the world of HTML/CSS, at least not to specify widths.

Always resort to measures that will work with different font sizes, i.e. either use em or %. Now, if the menu is implemented as a floating body, then this means that the main content floats “around” it. If the main content is higher than the menu, this might not be what you want:


<div style="width: 10em; float: left;">Left</div>
<div>Right, spanning<br/> multiple lines</div>

You can correct this behaviour by giving the main content a margin-left equal to the width of the menu:


<div style="width: 10em; float: left;">Left</div>
<div style="margin-left: 10em;">Right, spanning<br/> multiple lines</div>

In most cases you also want to give the main content a padding-left so it doesn't “stick” to the menu too closely.

By the way, it's trivial to change the above so that the menu is on the right side instead of the left: simply change every occurrence of the word “left” to “right”.

Ah, one last thing. If the menu's content is higher than the main content, it will render oddly because float does some odd things. In that case, you will have to clear the box that comes below the floating body, as in bmatthews68's example.

/EDIT: Damn, HTML doesn't work the way the preview showed it. Well, I've included pictures instead.


I think you're supposed to use the float property for positioning things like that. You can read about it here.

All the answers saying to use floats (with explicit widths) are correct. But to answer the original question, what is the best way to position a <div>? It depends.

CSS is highly contextual, and the flow of a page is dependent on the structure of your HTML. Normal flow is how elements, and their children, will layout top to bottom (for block elements) and left to right (for inline elements) inside their containing block (usually the parent). This is how the majority of your layout should work. You will tend to rely on width, margin, and padding to define the spacing and layout of the elements to the other elements around it (be they <div>, <ul>, <p>, or otherwise, HTML is mostly semantic at this point).

Using styles like float or absolute or relative positioning can help you achieve very specific goals of your layout, but it's important to know how to use them. As has been explained, float is generally used to place block elements next to each other, and it really good for multi-column layouts.

I won't go into more details here, but you might want to check out the following:

You should use the float and clear CSS attributes to get the desired effect.

First I defined styles for the called left and right for the two columns in my layout and a style called clearer used to reset the page flow.

<style type="text/css">
.left {
    float: left;
    width: 200px;
.right {
    float: right;
    width: 800px;
.clear {
    clear: both;
    height: 1px;

Then I use them to layout my page.

 <div class="left">
 <div class="right">
   Blah Blah Blah....
<div class="clear" />

you can use float

<div class="left-menu">
<li> Categories </li>
<li> Weapons </li>
<li> Armor </li>
<li> Manuals </li>
<li> Sustenance </li>
<li> Test </li>

in css file

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