
I've been able to use the standard "ProgressDialog" for android to show that an indeterminate task is running. alt text

But I'd like to use the "smaller" progress dialog "spinner" that's used for indeterminate tasks in some of the standard Android applications like the android Market (there's a small spinning circle that's actually integrated into the application window (as opposed to floating on top of it).alt text

Does anyone know how to create the smaller progress dialog (or can someone point me in the right direction)?

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The Activity class has a built in ProgressBar in the Title area that can be used for this purpose. Is that what you are referring to?

I assume anywhere else you are seeing this other than in a title bar would just be a ProgressBar UI widget set to indeterminate that is placed in the view.


Try using ProgressBar and adding it to LinearLayout as follows:

ProgressBar mSpinner = new ProgressBar(this); mSpinner.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
mSpinner.setIndeterminate(true); lyt.addView(mSpinner);

Use the built in Adnroid widget called ProgressBar. put it on xml layout. and set visibility to visible and invisible as per your requirement

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