
How do I change font size on the DataGridView?

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    private void UpdateFont()
        //Change cell font
        foreach(DataGridViewColumn c in dgAssets.Columns)
            c.DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Arial", 8.5F, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);


In winform datagrid, right click to view its properties. It has a property called DefaultCellStyle. Click the ellipsis on DefaultCellStyle, then it will present Cell Style Builder window which has the option to change the font size.

Its easy.

The straight forward approach:

this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15);

For changing particular single column font size use following statement

DataGridView.Columns[1].DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Verdana", 16, FontStyle.Bold);

Use the Font-property on the gridview. See MSDN for details and samples:

I too experienced same problem in the DataGridView but figured out that the DefaultCell style was inheriting the font of the groupbox (Datagrid is placed in groupbox). So changing the font of the groupbox changed the DefaultCellStyle too.


1st Step: Go to the form where datagridview is added

2nd step: click on the datagridview at the top right side there will be displayed a small button of like play icon or arrow to edit the datagridview.

3rd step: click on that button and select edit columns now click the attributes you want to increase font size.

4th step: on the right side of the property menu the first on the list column named defaultcellstyle click on its property a new window will open to change the font and font size.

I think it's easiest:

First set any Label as you like (Italic, Bold, Size etc.) And:

yourDataGridView.Font = anyLabel.Font;

Go to designer.cs file of the form in which you have the grid view and comment the following line: - //this.dataGridView1.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle1;

if you are using vs 2008 or .net framework 3.5 as it will be by default applied to alternating rows.

'   Cell style
 With .DefaultCellStyle
     .BackColor = Color.Black
     .ForeColor = Color.White 
     .Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11.0!,
   System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
      .Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight
 End With
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