
I am using linux/list.h to work with lists, but I am having trouble getting started.

I having been experimenting with different combinations based on a few guides' recommendations, but nothing has been working so far. Here's what I believe to be my closest attempt at initialization:

typedef struct {
    int to;
    struct list_head list;
    int from;
} myFrame;

int main() {

    myFrame* foo = malloc(sizeof(*foo));
    list_add(&foo->list, &listInstance);

This produces the warning

initializer element is not computable at load time


However, this seems to indicate that I can.

Alternatively, lists can be initialized at compile time

Would someone mind helping me wrap my brain around this?

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You actually want to do:


You can then do:

struct myList *foo = malloc(sizeof(*foo));
foo->to = 3;
foo->from = 4;
list_add(&foo->list, &this_is_a_list_instance);

This would also probably be more consistent if you named it myObject instead of myList.

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