
working with Kusto / KQL to try and parse the deadlock xml in Azure SQL Analytics and getting stuck with escaping the tag name process-list as follows

So the deadlock xml looks like


I want to get one of the attributes under process-list but KQL chokes on the hyphen and I don't know how to escape it to make it work - see the bold section in the last line

AzureDiagnostics | where (Category == "Deadlocks") | where ResourceId contains "/SERVERS/" | where ResourceId contains "/DATABASES/" | where Resource contains "Analytics" | project Resource = strcat(extract(".+/SERVERS/([^/]+)/.+", 1, ResourceId), ".", extract(".+/DATABASES/(.+)", 1, ResourceId)).tolower(), TimeGenerated, deadlock_xml_s | extend DeadlockXML = parse_xml(deadlock_xml_s) | extend KeyDeets = DeadlockXML.deadlock.process-list.waitresource

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...but KQL chokes on the hyphen and I don't know how to escape it to make it work

Please see:

for example: DeadlockXML.deadlock['process-list'].waitresource

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