
Let say that I have a website with some information that could be access externally. Those information need to be only change by the respected client. Example: Google Analytic or WordPress API key. How can I create a system that work like that (no matter the programming language)?

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A number of smart people are working on a standard, and it's called OAuth. It already has a number of sample implementations, so it's pretty easy to get started.


Here is a document on API design.


  1. Generate a key for each user
  2. Deny access for each request without this key

Currently, I use a concatenation of multiple MD5s with a salt. The MD5s are generated off of various concatenations of user data.

A good way of generating a key would be to store a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) on each user record n the database. GUID is going to be unique and almost impossible to guess.

There are also infrastructure services that manage all this for you like (disclosure I work there), and

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