
I have a QTableView connected with an QSqlTableModel.
In the first column, there are only dates at this format: 2010-01-02
I want this column to show the date at this format (but without changing the real data): 02.01.2010
I know that I have to create an QItemDelegate for this column, but I don't know how I can read the existing data and overwrite it with something different. You have any idea how to manage that?

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An item delegate doesn't necessarily change the data, it just renders the data. Also, if you're using Qt 4.4 or newer, look at QStyledItemDelegate instead--it's theme-aware and will look nicer.

There's an example of item delegates in this article (which seems to be a mirror of official documentation that is now down or gone).

Since all you really want to do is customize the text, have you considered using a proxy model instead and just returning your custom QString for the date column's DisplayRole?


The simplest solution is to create a QStyledItemDelegate subclass and reimplement displayText(...) ie

class DateFormatDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
 DateFormatDelegate (QString dateFormat, QObject *parent = 0) : 

 virtual QString displayText(const QVariant & value, const QLocale & locale ) const
  return value.toDate().toString(m_dateFormat);

 QString m_dateFormat;

Then in your view -

setItemDelegateForColumn(/*date column*/, new DateFormatDelegate("MM.dd.yyyy", this));
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