
I wanting to show prices for my products in my online store. I'm currently doing:

<span class="ourprice">

Where GetPrice() returns a decimal. So this currently returns a value e.g. "£12.00"

I think the correct HTML for an output of "£12.00" is "&pound;12.00", so although this is rendering fine in most browsers, some browsers (Mozilla) show this as $12.00.

(The server is in the UK, with localisation is set appropriately in web.config).

Is the below an improvement, or is there a better way?

<span class="ourprice">
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The £ symbol (U+00A3), and the html entities & #163; and & pound; should all render the same in a browser.

If the browser doesn't recognise £, it probably won't recognise the entity versions. It's in ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1), so I'd be surprised if a Mozilla browser can't render it (my FF certainly can).

If you see a $ sign, it's likely you have two things: 1. The browser default language is en-us 2. is doing automatic locale switching. The default web.config setting is something like

<globalization   culture="auto:en-us"  uiCulture="auto:en-US" />

As you (almost certainly) want UK-only prices, simply specify the locale in web.config:

  <globalization   culture="us"  uiCulture="en-gb" />

(or on page level:)

  <%@Page Culture="en-gb" UICulture="en-gb" ..etc... %>

Thereafter the string formats such as String.Format("{0:C}",GetPrice()) and GetPrice().ToString("C") will use the en-GB locale as will have set the currentCulture for you

(although you can specify the en-gb culture in the overloads if you're paranoid).


Try this, it'll use your locale set for the application:



GetPrice().ToString("C", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"))

You could write a function which would perform the conversion from price to string. This way you have a lot of control over the output.

The problem with locale is that it's web server dependent and not web browser dependent.

If you need to explicity state the localisation you can use the CultureInfo and pass that to the string formatter.

just use the ToString("C2") property of a decimal value. Set your globalization in the web.config - keep it simple.

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