
I want to add a mailto link on our web page. I want to add a urgent priority to this mail.

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mailto links just doesn't support this feature , sorry.

however, you could use a specific subject and filter it in your inbox

<a href="">Send a email</a> 


You can get your priority, but probably not that way.

Most mail clients honor subject= and body= in the query string of a mailto: link. Some mail clients treat multiple body= attributes as different lines; others only use the last body. Getting to your point, though: I don't think most clients will let you set priority, and it only takes one client that won't do it to make your system unreliable.

The easiest approach is to use mail filters to set priority on inbound mail. The filters should set the priority based on the subject lines, which you can reliably control.

If your mail system's filters can't set priority, try sorting to different mail folders.

You can't do this with a mailto: link, but you could create a server-side contact form that sends the e-mail out with the proper headers.

I guess if such a feature exist it's browser-specific.

from w3's website:

User agents may support MAILTO URL extensions that are not yet Internet standards (e.g., appending subject information to a URL with the syntax "?Subject=my%20subject" where any space characters are replaced by "%20"). Some user agents also support "?Cc=email-address".

It can't be done.

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