
If you have binary strings (literally String objects that contain only 1's and 0's), how would you output them as bits into a file?

This is for a text compressor I was working on; it's still bugging me, and it'd be nice to finally get it working. Thanks!

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Easiest is to simply take 8 consecutive characters, turn them into a byte and output that byte. Pad with zeros at the end if you can recognize the end-of-stream, or add a header with length (in bits) at the beginning of the file.

The inner loop would look something like:

byte[] buffer = new byte[ ( string.length + 7 ) / 8 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i ) {
   byte current = 0;
   for ( int j = 7; j >= 0; --j )
       if ( string[ i * 8 + j ] == '1' )
           current |= 1 << j;
   output( current );

You'll need to make some adjustments, but that's the general idea.


If you're lucky, java.math.BigInteger may do everything for you.

String s = "11001010001010101110101001001110";
byte[] bytes = (new java.math.BigInteger(s, 2)).toByteArray();

This does depend on the byte order (big-endian) and right-aligning (if the number of bits is not a multiple of 8) being what you want but it may be simpler to modify the array afterwards than to do the character conversion yourself.

public class BitOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
    private int buffer   = 0;
    private int bitCount = 0;

    public BitOutputStream(OutputStream out)

    public void writeBits(int value, int numBits) throws IOException
            int mix = ((value&1)<<bitCount++);

    public void close() throws IOException
        align8(); /* Flush any remaining partial bytes */

    public void align8() throws IOException
        if(bitCount > 0)

And then...

if (nextChar == '0')
    bos.writeBits(0, 1);
    bos.writeBits(1, 1);

Assuming the String has a multiple of eight bits, (you can pad it otherwise), take advantage of Java's built in parsing in the Integer.valueOf method to do something like this:

String s = "11001010001010101110101001001110";
byte[] data = new byte[s.length() / 8];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    data[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i * 8, (i + 1) * 8), 2);

Then you should be able to write the bytes to a FileOutputStream pretty simply.

On the other hand, if you looking for effeciency, you should consider not using a String to store the bits to begin with, but build up the bytes directly in your compressor.

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