
When using PyWin I can easily load a python file into a fresh interactive shell and I find this quite handy for prototyping and other exploratory tasks.

I would like to use Komodo as my python editor, but I haven't found a replacement for PyWin's ability to restart the shell and reload the current module. How can I do this in Komodo?

It is also very important to me that when I reload I get a fresh shell. I would prefer it if my previous interactions are in the shell history, but it is more important to me that the memory be isolated from the previous versions and attempts.

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I use Komodo Edit, which might be a little less sophisticated than full Komodo.

I create a "New Command" with %(python) -i %f as the text of the command. I have this run in a "New Console". I usually have the starting directory as %p, the top of the project directory.

The -i option runs the file and drops into interactive Python.

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