
I use girdview. and for deleting I use LinkButton in each row.

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            "return false;"

Now, I would expect nothing to happen when I Link Button is clicked because OnClick returns false. Right?


protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
         String _id = GridView1.DataKeys[Int32.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].Values["id"].ToString();

         dsodeme_onkayitTableAdapters.odeme_onkayitTableAdapter _todeme = new dsodeme_onkayitTableAdapters.odeme_onkayitTableAdapter();

         Response.Redirect("musteri_onkayit_odeme_al.aspx?username=" + lbUserName.Text);

is being invoked. The RowCommand is running and deleting the records.

Please help me find the problem. I use Vista Home Premium and IE8. Is that the problem?

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Solution 2

Ok, I fix it like this;

attribute.add ("onClick","if(!confirm('Are you sure?')) event.returnValue=false;");

it's works. Thanks.


Instead of:

            "return false;"


((LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[12].Controls[0]).OnClientClick = "return false;";

I think Jan must be on to something, is it possible that the actual link you try to add the onClick on is not 'cell 12 control 0' ?

You should show the output and we'll be able to figure out what's wrong.

I know this may not sound like the answer you want but if you know that control should not allow a deletion why not just make it invisible i.e. Hide the control.

In the end this will achieve what you are trying to do.

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